SACM professor Dmitry Khomutsky about business education in Singapore: in detail
Conceptual competencies in the new Doctor of Business Development program

What does modern business education in Southeast Asia look like today, what requirements do the most “advanced” business administration programs meet, and what tools do leading business schools use to create them? The world is changing rapidly, organizations are transforming into flat structures - design, matrix, integrated networks. More and more middle, operational and project managers are participating in strategic processes, but this requires conceptual skills - the ability to see important components in any situation. This is called systemic thinking. The development of modern business, the creation of long-term value requires a systematic approach. The manager’s job consists not only in the choice of decisions, but also in the ability to see the long-term delayed consequences of these decisions.


Marketing for industrial enterprises: idea, product, promotion
Practical seminar on marketing for industrial enterprises

OSTEK Group seminar-conference “Marketing for industrial enterprises: idea, product, promotion”. The idea of ​​the event arose in response to a request from industrial enterprises for the development of marketing competencies in the search for ideas on civilian products, consumer and market research, product development and promotion, and how to create an effective and efficient project team. The program of the event detailed the following topics and practical examples: Understanding the technological and commercial competencies of a manufacturing enterprise as a key to increasing competitiveness. The practice of marketing research. In what cases to attract a marketing agency and how not to make a mistake with the choice.


SACM professor Alexander Ageev with a lecture on digital transformation (DBA CEO / CDO course)
DBA Program “Digital Technology and Digital Transformation Management”
Alexander Ivanovich Ageev, Russia Doctor of Economics, professor. The author of more than 600 scientific, journalistic and literary works, of which 28 are monographs in Russian, English, German, Chinese and other languages. Director General of the Institute of Economic Strategies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INES) and the International Research Institute of Management Problems (MNIIPU). Doctor of Economics, Professor, Singapore Academy of Corporate Management, MGIMO, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, AVN and a number of other scientific communities. SACM DBA tutor Digital Management and Digital Transformation, Singapore, Global Silk Road School tutor, China.
SACM professor Arkady Nedel with a cycle presentation of the SACM PhD program
PhD Program in Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Sociology and Political Science

Arkady Nedel, philosopher, writer. PhD - Paris, Sorbonne. Main research interests: European philosophy, comparative philosophy (East-West), philosophy of language, political philosophy, theory of art. Visiting professor at the University of Ká Foscari (Venice), collaborates with IFRAN (Moscow). Professor of the PhD program "Sociology, Cultural Studies, Political Science, Philosophy" of the Singapore Academy of Corporate Management. Polyglot. He writes books and articles in five languages ​​(Russian, English, French, German, Italian). The author of numerous publications in Russian, English and French. Articles on relevant topics of philosophy and culture were published in the journals: “Questions of Philosophy”, “Man”, “Art Journal”, “New Knowledge”.